Upgraded Points Latest Survey Reveals the Slowest and Fastest States to File Their Taxes

AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Upgraded Points (https://upgradedpoints.com/when-americans-file-their-taxes/) recently highlighted the findings from their newest study related to the tax filing habits of average Americans. Surveying thousands of filers across all 50 states, the study ultimately sought to understand how many respondents put off filing their taxes as long as possible, and which states had the most procrastinators. Finally, the study looked at who was more likely to delay sending their returns on time: men or women. Upgraded Points routinely conducts and provides in-depth reports related to traveling and credit card usage, as well as advice and tips for travelers.

“Tax time is the pits for every filer – we can all agree on that,” said Alex Miller, Founder of Upgraded Points. “The paperwork alone is enough to give anyone a migraine, and the economic downturn this past year hasn’t made tax time any easier. So in solidarity, we thought we’d run a study to help folks see they weren’t alone when it came to dreading tax time. As it turns out though, the final results were so surprising that we could barely believe the data, especially when we looked at the state-by-state breakdown.”

Analysis Methodology

The survey included over 2,500 people across the U.S., all of whom were asked a variety of questions about when they routinely file their yearly taxes. Respondents were given a range of five possible options:

  1. As soon as they have the forms.
  2. Close to a month before tax day.
  3. Close to a week before tax day.
  4. On tax day.
  5. After tax day.

The results were further broken down by male/female and the U.S. state in which the respondent resides and files their taxes. The study was conducted with the understanding that 2020 was an atypical tax year, with both the ongoing pandemic, delayed filing dates, and stimulus checks.

State by State Breakdown: Who Files Fastest?

Overall, there were nine states where 50% or more of the respondents revealed that they filed their taxes as soon as possible. The state-by-state breakdown revealed states like Wyoming, Florida, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Washington had the highest percentage of respondents who were most likely to file taxes early. Florida came in second with 54.9%, followed by Arizona and Washington. Wyoming held the distinction of containing the largest percentage of early-responding filers. The study did not notice any major regional differences trending with the data.

States with respondents most likely to delay filing included Maryland, North Dakota, Alaska, and Utah. The state with the most procrastinating tax filers was a dead-tie between California and Texas, where 29.4% of respondents wait until the day of or after tax day to file. There was also no major regional differences trending with this data either, and considering the vast regional differences among many of these particular states, the reasons why filers do or do not file early are probably much more complicated than regional locations.

Men or Women: Who Files First?

Upgraded Points found that gender did not play a significant role in whether people filed their taxes early, later, or on time. Small differences in percentages aside, the numbers were fairly evenly split, finding only a slightly larger percentage of women who filed taxes immediately upon receiving access to forms.

How Many Total Americans Delay Filing Their Taxes?

The final results of the survey indicated that more than half of those surveyed file their taxes as soon as they have all the forms they need. Those who said they filed a month or a week before tax day made up the second largest portion of the respondents, and the percentage of those who admitted to filing after tax day was dramatically smaller: less than 10%.

To see exact percentages and state breakdowns, along with a colorized state map and helpful bar and doughnut charts, please visit the full study HERE.

About Upgraded Points LLC

Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Upgraded Points is a travel company that provides insider strategies on maximizing travel points and rewards. Launched in 2016 by Alex Miller, Upgraded Points uses targeted research efforts and in-depth studies to give travelers, as well as those looking to travel, a real understanding of how to maximize their points and miles. Learn more at: UpgradedPoints.com.


Alex Miller, Founder


SOURCE Upgraded Points