A New Tool to Measure CEO Performance: Your CEO Check Up is an Innovative Assessment to Measure CEO Effectiveness on Six Unique Responsibilities

MINNEAPOLIS, June 22, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The job of the CEO is to create great value for stakeholders. More than any position, the CEO’s impact is the single biggest predictor of company success. What the CEO controls accounts for up to 45% of company performance.

"Exceptional CEOs create great value. But, for most CEOs, there is a value void," says Chuck Bolton, The Bolton Group LLC, a veteran CEO coach and six-time bestselling author.

When the CEO’s performance falls short, all stakeholders are impacted. With two of five CEOs failing in their first eighteen months on the job, the risks are high. There’s a pressing need to understand what creates value and how the CEO can prevent a value void.

Traditional performance indicators, like financial results, are lagging indicators of CEO performance and provide no insight as to what CEOs actually do. What explains the difference between the average CEO from the exceptional, value-creating CEOs? What separates the best from the rest?

The answer: The beliefs they embrace, the practices they deploy and the actions they take. Exceptional CEOs think differently and do different things.

Now, there’s a tool for CEOs to measure how they perform across the six unique responsibilities CEOs must embrace.

Your CEO Check Up is an innovative, on-line, self-assessment tool that assesses the CEO’s use of the mindsets and practices that drive exceptional performance, validated as the ones most predictive of CEO success. These mindsets and practices can be learned, applied, and mastered. This free assessment is confidential, takes about 10-minutes and results are received instantly.

Bolton, the creator of Your CEO Check Up, stated, "There has been no easy-to-access assessment tool that can be used by CEOs to gain a snapshot of their current performance across their key work areas. CEOs have been underserved. Now, with results in hand, they can see where they are performing well and identify those that need additional attention. The CEO gains valuable insights on where they can do better and prevent a value void."

Bolton adds, "Next, the CEO can access Your CEO Resource Guide, which includes fifty-seven practices that drive value CEOs can deploy across the six key responsibility areas and other ideas to help them. It is full of valuable insights and includes the CEO Cheat Sheet for Capturing Massive Value. It’s free, too.

"When the CEO gets better, everyone around them gets better. Your CEO Check Up and Your CEO Resource Guide are two must have tools for CEOs and aspiring CEOs who seek to become the exceptional, value-creating leader they are meant to be."

Media Contact:
Chuck Bolton

SOURCE The Bolton Group LLC